Strengthening nails at home - effective tips

Strengthening nails at home - effective tips
Beautiful nails are an indicator of a girl's grooming. In addition to a beautiful manicure, nails should still be healthy and strong. And in order to achieve this, you need to look after them. This can be done at home, which will save your finances and time. Home baths for strengthening nails are a simple and affordable way to care for the nail plate and cuticle.
First you need to find out the reasons for the lamination and breaking of the nail plates.


Nails can break and exfoliate for three reasons: internal, external, psychological.

Internal reasons:

- iron deficiency in the body.
- unhealthy diet - lack of protein, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium.
- skin diseases: lichen red, fungus, eczema, psoriasis, epidermolysis.
- hormonal disbalance.
- during pregnancy, when vitamins and minerals entering the body are spent on the development of the fetus.
- metabolic disorders associated with problems of the gastrointestinal tract or endocrine system.

External reasons:

- use of varnishes containing formaldehyde.
- frequent contact with household chemicals, hot water.
- hypothermia of the skin of the hands or, conversely, too dry and moist air.
- long wearing of gel polish or build-up (this can also include improper removal of the coating).

Psychological reasons include stress, depression, and the habit of biting or pulling off nails.


With sea salt

Sea salt is good for brittle, flaking nails. Salt adds shine to the nail plate, strengthens, moisturizes and protects against harmful UV radiation. Sea salt owes these properties to its composition, which includes useful minerals - iodine, sodium, magnesium, potassium.

So, dissolve 1 tablespoon of sea salt in water. It should be hot enough, but at a comfortable temperature for you (average value is 40-45 °). Dip your fingertips in water and let sit for ten minutes. Then wash your hands with clean water and apply a nourishing cream to your skin. Sea salt can be replaced with regular table salt, but sea salt is still preferable.

With mineral water

Add a few drops of lemon juice to a glass of mineral water. Dip the brushes in the resulting solution for ten minutes. Then blot your hands with a clean napkin or towel; you do not need to rinse them with plain water.

With iodine and lemon juice

Lack of iodine negatively affects the whole body in general, and the nail plate in particular. With a lack of an element, the nails begin to exfoliate, break, the growth of the nail plate slows down, a healthy shine is lost, white spots appear on the nail. Iodine baths for nails will help to save marigolds. They can be oily, salt, milk or fruit juice (orange, grapefruit, tomato).

So, heat the water to a comfortable temperature, dissolve two teaspoons of salt, three drops of iodine, and 1/3 cup of lemon juice in it. Dip your nails into the solution (only fingertips, not whole brushes!), After ten minutes, dry your hands and apply the cream.

With olive oil

Vegetable oils are one of the best nail strengthening products. They contain saturated fatty acids that moisturize the nail plate, as well as a number of vitamins and minerals. Almond, olive, linseed, castor oil, wheat germ oil, and even ordinary sunflower oil are suitable for preparing the baths. In addition to omega-3 acids, these oils contain vitamin B7 (biotin), which is involved in the synthesis of keratin, and vitamins E and A, which contribute to the growth, strengthening and healthy shine of nails.

So, heat half a glass of olive oil in a water bath. Dip your nails in warm oil for 15 minutes. Then give a light hand massage by gently rubbing the oil into your nails and hand skin. Blot excess oil with a towel.


Among the popular recipes for strengthening, moisturizing and treating peeling nails, there is often advice to prepare a bath of herbal decoctions. To soften dry cuticles, moisturize the nail plate, stimulate nail growth, infusions of mint, chamomile, sage, green tea, linden inflorescences are suitable. For strengthening, decoctions from plants containing silica and tannins, such as yarrow, nettle, oak bark, are suitable.

So, if you have herbal tea at home or just dry herbs (mint, chamomile, calendula), these remedies will also come in handy in nail care. You can use only one type, or mix everything: pour two tablespoons of such a «dry mixture» with boiling water (one glass is enough) and let it brew for 15 minutes. Cool the infusion to a comfortable temperature and dip your hands into it for 15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, dry your hands and apply the cream.
Published: 08.01.2021 14:00 Times Read: 1744