Hardware manicure is a super technology!
«Beauty requires sacrifice!» Is the motto of the fairer sex at all times. Today, modern young ladies strive to "stand out from the crowd", visit various beauty salons, expensive boutiques, spa centers, gyms, and all this, so that their appearance is always at its best. It is known that well-groomed hands are the key to the beauty of a modern woman, therefore, hardware manicure helps to keep hands in perfect condition.
If everyone is familiar with the classic edged manicure, then the hardware manicure came to us not so long ago, and in a short time managed to win the love of both manicure masters and clients.
Hardware manicure is a fairly simple and convenient method. This is a modern technology for treating the skin on nail rollers, cuticles around nails, polishing the skin and nails, getting rid of keratinized skin particles, removing gel polish, which is performed using a special machine - a milling cutter, the main tool in this technology.
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The technology has both pluses and minuses, it largely depends on the qualifications of the master.
Pros of hardware manicure
1. Short procedure time. It's super fast. The skin does not need to be pre-steamed, as the device works only on dry skin.
2. Even the most problematic areas can be processed with a router. The master uses different attachments (cutters) for different tasks, which also makes his work easier and faster: without changing the tool, you can remove the cuticle, file or grind the nail plate and change the shape of the nail.
3. Gentle sanding prevents nail flaking. The master removes only keratinized skin fragments, without touching healthy areas or damaging them. At the same time, the effectiveness of the manicure does not decrease.
4. Easy disinfection of instruments. Tools for hardware manicure are easy to disinfect - almost any method will do. They can also be treated with ultrasound or in a dry heat cabinet (depending on the material from which the nozzle is made).
5. Duration of the effect. In those areas where hardware manicure is used, the skin grows much more slowly, you need to contact the master less often.
6. Safety for the skin and nail plate. It is considered safer, it is not traumatic at all, during the procedure the master does not use cutting tools.
7. Sterility of the procedure. This type of procedure allows you to guarantee absolute sterility and exclude the possibility of infection.
8. Nails become smoother and healthier, look well-groomed. Thanks to this technique, the master can achieve a much greater symmetry of the shape of the nail, the edges of the nail plate look perfectly even and neat.
9. Lack of pain. With this procedure, the client does not feel any painful sensations if an experienced master is working on this.
10. Ability to work with natural or artificial nails. The attachments allow you to treat cuticles well without damaging the gel or acrylic.
Cons of hardware manicure
1. The impossibility of processing too thin nails. This method is categorically unsuitable for people with thin cuticles and nail plate, as well as if the client's nails are in disrepair.
2. Inexperienced craftsmen. The procedure, carried out by an insufficiently experienced master, can be somewhat painful. During a hardware manicure, the patient may feel a burning sensation, not a very pleasant vibration.
3. Cleanliness. A manicure using a special apparatus does not allow achieving the cleanliness that is available with a classic, edged manicure.
4. It takes time to learn the technique of hardware manicure. It is necessary to choose a good master.
Note: In a word, a manicure apparatus is necessary, useful, facilitates the work of the master and improves the quality of manicure. But in order for it to really be such, only an experienced specialist with certain skills should use it.
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How to use the manicure machine correctly
1. During the use of the device, the nozzle should be guided from the center of the cuticle to the edge, and the device should be held like an ordinary writing pen.
2. Use nozzles with medium to low abrasiveness, and the rotation speed should not exceed 12000 - 15000 rpm.
3. Do not hold the device at one point: this can lead to burning or injury.
4. All attachments must be selected according to the condition of the nails. For flaking, fragile and damaged nails, soft tips are needed.
5. You can perform hardware manicure only on dry nails, and before that you should not steam the skin in baths.
Published: 04.11.2020 14:10
Times Read: 1163
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