Slider design, transfer stickers 2017

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Slider Design and Transfer Stickers: A Trendy Way to Add Style to Your Nails in 2017

When it comes to nail art, there are always new and exciting trends popping up every year. In 2017, one of the biggest trends in nail art is the use of slider designs and transfer stickers.

Slider designs are essentially thin decals that can be slid onto your nails and fused onto the surface using a special top coat. They come in all sorts of designs and patterns, from glittery stars and hearts to intricate floral designs and colorful geometric shapes. They're a great way to add detail and interest to your nails without having to spend hours painting them by hand.

Transfer stickers are another popular design trend this year. These are essentially temporary tattoos for your nails. They come in sheets with a variety of designs and can simply be cut out and applied to your nails using water. Like slider designs, they can be used to add intricate detail and interest to your nails with little effort.

One of the benefits of these design techniques is that they're very easy to use for even the most inexperienced nail artist. Simply apply a base coat to your nails, pick out the designs you want to use, and transfer them onto your nails with water or a special adhesive. Then seal them in with a top coat and you're done! It's quick, easy, and can be done at home without having to visit a salon.

Another great thing about slider designs and transfer stickers is that they're very versatile. You can mix and match different designs to create your own unique look. For example, you could use a floral transfer sticker on one nail, a glittery slider design on another, and a colorful geometric pattern on the rest. The possibilities are endless!

In conclusion, slider designs and transfer stickers are a great way to add style and interest to your nails this year. They're easy to use, versatile, and can be combined in countless ways to create your own unique look. So go ahead, experiment with different designs, and let your creativity shine!